What are your goals for your goals?

You did it!  You successfully made it through the school year (we all definitely get extra points for making it through THIS school year)!  Whenever I reach the end of a short-term journey, I always like to reflect upon my performance while I am still in the game.  Right now, while you’re still fired up and not yet on vacation mode, would be a great time to evaluate your teaching, your goal setting, your progress, everything!  Doing this will help you have new goals in place when you get back from vacation so all you have to do is start conquering tasks.  You won’t even have to think about it at the end of summer…


I have always been a goal-setter.  I even still carry around a notecard that I wrote my long term goals on in HIGH SCHOOL.  My notecard goals included: attend Colburn Conservatory, win an orchestral job, teach at a university, and become the best flute player in the world…some of these things I’ve accomplished and some I’m still working towards.  But my long term goals seem SO FAR AWAY sometimes, like, how could I ever be as good as Emmanuel Pahud?!  


The answer to that question is by one small step at a time.  No matter how high you aim, having a goal and a plan is a great place to start.  If sometimes you feel overwhelmed by the change that has to happen to get you there, you’re not alone!   Engage with your inspiring colleagues to dream big, reflect upon your own performance, and learn what you can from them to improve your own self or program or teaching.  A wise man (Steve Wessels, from Cedar Park HS, actually!!) once said, “Later never happens,” and this couldn’t be more true right now! 

On the brink of vacation, take the time to reflect on your performance in a positive way and write down your goals for next year and some actions you will need to take to achieve them.  When you return, you’ll be just as inspired to get going as you are right now.

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Katherine Velasquez