I don't have time for that

"Time isn't the main thing. It's the only thing."

- Miles Davis

Time is something I feel like I can never get enough of. Even during the quarantine, when you would think there would be more time, it feels like there is less time than ever! Not to mention, hybrid learning requires a lot of preparation and extra energy to teach!

We all wish we had more time.

- To learn another instrument

- To improve a job skill

- To give each student as much time as they need

- To spend more time with family

How would if feel if you knew you had all the time you needed?

What would your perfect day look like?

Imagine a day where you felt completely at ease and in control of your agenda (even if that feels impossible right now!)

Try this:

Write down the one thing that if completed, would have the biggest positive impact on your day. Focus your energy on that one thing! Prioritizing your focus can help you prioritize your time. You are a rockstar.

Every day, go for your WIN.

Whats Important Now

Matt Richards